I see these around. Each one is different. but it appears to be an unlicensed nes game system, bearing the same name of my blogspot. "FLASHBACK" I would like to state that I do not support this or any other form of piracy.
For the same price you can have an old system that has been refurbished. I love the old box just fine. This is not impressive to me in anyway. the nintoaster was impressive. this is just uncool in my opinion. I doubt it will be around for very long. and bet they don't work as well as an original to boot.
I hate the look of it and hope it burns. Go away you bastard system. We don't want you messing shit up.
hate, hate and more hate to this machine of false nes-ness. A pox on your designer. I say to you, you haggard little fake game console you. Bet you took old Nes systems and rebuilt them and renamed them. lame, lame,( are those sega controllers?) lame, ( my god they are)LAME!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Double Dribble: Is it basketball yet?
Pop in the cartridge press start, then leave to get a drink because the opening sequence plays a polyphonic star spangled banner (and no you can't skip it ) while the the stadium fills with people.
The gameplay is a little hard to get used to. After 10 mins if you cant keep up its not for you. If you stick it out and get good there are some cool slideshows to represent the dunking, Its the best thing about the game.

Once you get the rhythm down you'll be stuffing the AI like no bodies business. For an early basketball game I have to say its pretty good. If your not a basketball fan you might not like it. I can't say its the best as the 2 player mode was flawed (player 2 always has double accuracy) but for a one on one against the AI its the bomb. Rating: ☆☆☆
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Dragon Lord goes down!
After 2 and a half weeks of grinding and running and reloading and hoping monsters don't kill me when I'm low on magic energy, I have beaten Dragon Warrior I.
I'm not gonna say what level it was at but lets just say its probably easier to just max at 30 to do it. I barely won after running the whole way(when I didn't get jumped killed or "attacked before I was ready") to reach him.
The ending is what you would expect you politely refuse the kingdom in hopes of finding your own to rule. Taking the impetuous Princess Gwaelin with you to walk off into the sunset(not literally), Happy happy, joy joy.
I have to say after all the trouble the story was kinda solid and really pulled me in. The level of difficulty is hard and the overall feel of the game is nice.
Will i play it again? Not any time soon. Do I like it? For sure. It rocks even after the hell I went through playing it. My next RPG will most likely be final fantasy. It has its work cut out for it cause DW was worth the effort. Try it yourself http://arcadecow.com/game/12577/Dragon-Warrior.html
I'm not gonna say what level it was at but lets just say its probably easier to just max at 30 to do it. I barely won after running the whole way(when I didn't get jumped killed or "attacked before I was ready") to reach him.
The ending is what you would expect you politely refuse the kingdom in hopes of finding your own to rule. Taking the impetuous Princess Gwaelin with you to walk off into the sunset(not literally), Happy happy, joy joy.
I have to say after all the trouble the story was kinda solid and really pulled me in. The level of difficulty is hard and the overall feel of the game is nice.
Will i play it again? Not any time soon. Do I like it? For sure. It rocks even after the hell I went through playing it. My next RPG will most likely be final fantasy. It has its work cut out for it cause DW was worth the effort. Try it yourself http://arcadecow.com/game/12577/Dragon-Warrior.html
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Pac-man: 30 years of DON'T FREAKING EAT ME!!! NOOOO!!!!!
I loved it on Atari, and it shines on NES. Much the same game aside from a graphics makeover, Pac-man stays true to the arcade game everyone grew to love in the 80's. styling and profiling after so many years Pac-man is a winner in any circle of gamers. I give it the highest rating I can. ☆☆☆☆☆
If you haven't played Pac-man yet crawl out of the hole you have lived in for the last 30 years and give it a go. Its the one of the best NES has to offer. Have fun playing and please subscribe.
OK i know some of you are saying "but it was broken at level 200 something (geeky bastards):" but i never made it to level 80 let alone 100 or anywhere near level 256. So I still say its one of the greatest games in the Nes lineup.Despite being broken after all.
Monday, October 17, 2011
qatlh ta' jIH ta' vam Daq jIH'egh
Klingon warriors trained dragon lord so can't beat him until I experience Bij No I'm not crazy look
That is what happens every time i fight him. Oh aside from last time. Last time he just looked at me and his force energy opened a vortex behind me and I was pulled through and essentially out of existence. so I can no longer attempt to beat this game as I no longer exist (SLAP) Fine i'll finish the damn game...geez...its gonna take like a week man I gotta be at least level 20. I stand no chance at 17 at all. So more more more grinding lvls for to see what lvl I get him at. See you soon gamers. (hopefully with a finished review of this game that hates my soul)
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Dragon Warrior review update
DragonWarrrior is the longest game I have ever played I remember it now and holy crap I cant believe its taking this long just to get through it, what the f*ck!!!! by the end of this I will be a dragon warrior mythologist.
Part of the problem was i had this game confused with "Dragon Quest"
These games are almost exactly the same. I cant imagine the dismay that someone would go through buying this and dragon quest expecting two different games and then finding out that its the SAME game...40 bucks. For a carbon copy of the same game. Dont believe me check this out. dragon quest map:http://images.wikia.com/dragonquest/images/9/9c/DQI_Sprite_Overworld.gif and dragon warrior map:http://fatedtoend.com/sites/fatedtoend.com/files/wordpress/dw_postermap_front.jpg Identical. They make another story for almost the same quests and think "aww kids are dumb, they wont even notice". Well, guess what? We noticed.
Why do this to people. re-naming a game and changing a few key names in the game does not another game make. At least tell people that its really close or put a note on the label or something.
Dragon Warrior
is a tough play through cause its a lot of grinding. I'm currently stuck at the last stretch and it is tough. monsters are challenging and the story is coming together nicely. I won't say I have disliked the game, but I think one release of a game for one system is enough for anybody. If I had bought DragonWarrior and DragonQuest, I would have went back to the store to trade one in for something else.
Still it is a great rpg as far as nes goes. The only thing I can think to compare would be Zelda.
I must confess i never played the original Final Fantasy for nes but i may give it a run soon too. See if it holds up to Dragon Warrior. But for now im going to finish Dragon warrior and I'll let you know about the overall satisfaction it did or did not give me..
Part of the problem was i had this game confused with "Dragon Quest"
These games are almost exactly the same. I cant imagine the dismay that someone would go through buying this and dragon quest expecting two different games and then finding out that its the SAME game...40 bucks. For a carbon copy of the same game. Dont believe me check this out. dragon quest map:http://images.wikia.com/dragonquest/images/9/9c/DQI_Sprite_Overworld.gif and dragon warrior map:http://fatedtoend.com/sites/fatedtoend.com/files/wordpress/dw_postermap_front.jpg Identical. They make another story for almost the same quests and think "aww kids are dumb, they wont even notice". Well, guess what? We noticed.
Why do this to people. re-naming a game and changing a few key names in the game does not another game make. At least tell people that its really close or put a note on the label or something.
Dragon Warrior
is a tough play through cause its a lot of grinding. I'm currently stuck at the last stretch and it is tough. monsters are challenging and the story is coming together nicely. I won't say I have disliked the game, but I think one release of a game for one system is enough for anybody. If I had bought DragonWarrior and DragonQuest, I would have went back to the store to trade one in for something else.
Still it is a great rpg as far as nes goes. The only thing I can think to compare would be Zelda.
I must confess i never played the original Final Fantasy for nes but i may give it a run soon too. See if it holds up to Dragon Warrior. But for now im going to finish Dragon warrior and I'll let you know about the overall satisfaction it did or did not give me..
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Why does this always happen!!??
I lost 4 hours of progress on dragon warrior......bad save or something.....its so so so so ENRAGING....It puts me off for a few days at least before I can even post a review. I'M not going to just watch a review someone else did and write notes on it that is lazy.....I will beat this game. if it takes me weeks i don't care. I will not let this set me back, I will not rest until... O.O pizza here this can wait mmm :d pizza
Sunday, October 9, 2011
(photo provided by geekologie.com)
( Here is how to build one:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDGR2MiCyYs&feature=relmfu)
Have you seen the nintoaster yet? This is kinda cool, but kinda what the fU*k at the same time. I suppose I understand the desire to make a nintendo look cooler( hard task) But I think it comes more from the desire to toast a hated game. Everyone has a game they just wanted to smash into little tiny pieces while laughing gleefully. An old friend of mine, lets, call him "Smark Smaley", took a cartridge of "Iron Sword" and tossed it 30 yards across his back yard. It bounced of the ground 12 times. It still functioned fine after this so I really don't see the point, aside from getting anger out. Anywho Nintoaster.
It happened.
( Here is how to build one:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDGR2MiCyYs&feature=relmfu)
Have you seen the nintoaster yet? This is kinda cool, but kinda what the fU*k at the same time. I suppose I understand the desire to make a nintendo look cooler( hard task) But I think it comes more from the desire to toast a hated game. Everyone has a game they just wanted to smash into little tiny pieces while laughing gleefully. An old friend of mine, lets, call him "Smark Smaley", took a cartridge of "Iron Sword" and tossed it 30 yards across his back yard. It bounced of the ground 12 times. It still functioned fine after this so I really don't see the point, aside from getting anger out. Anywho Nintoaster.
It happened.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Coming Not so soon to NesFlashback " Dragon Warrior I"
OK. this is going to take a lil longer than i thought. Monsters are strong, and grinding is slow
But all the better to give a good review of the game. As of right now. I may be half way through the game there is so much its hard to keep track of it all. May post a walk-through as well seems I'll know enough to do so by the end. o.O
But all the better to give a good review of the game. As of right now. I may be half way through the game there is so much its hard to keep track of it all. May post a walk-through as well seems I'll know enough to do so by the end. o.O
Friday, October 7, 2011
Slowly working my way through Dragon Warrior. (with the help of a friend) I should be able to post a pretty in depth look at this awesome game. Look for it soon on NES FLASHBACK.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
NES FLASHBACK BRINGS YOU " Mike Tyson's Punch out"
What can I say about his timeless classic that everybody loves.......I can say that its hard as shit. You have to learn a different tell-tale motion for every boxer and when you reach Tyson he is a one punch god. If he hits you you will go down. You will go down so hard that its almost impossible to get up.
That being said its not impossible to beat him. You can grind it down and get his timing but you have to be flawless, fast and VERY CALM(my cousin once thrashed a system over this game....my system.)
Time and effort are what make a game challenging so its a good play for a day if your bored. If you haven't played Mike Tyson's punch out yet, get ready for an ass kicking cause its hard, fun and time consuming like you wouldn't believe. Till next time, play on, Gamers.
What can I say about his timeless classic that everybody loves.......I can say that its hard as shit. You have to learn a different tell-tale motion for every boxer and when you reach Tyson he is a one punch god. If he hits you you will go down. You will go down so hard that its almost impossible to get up.
That being said its not impossible to beat him. You can grind it down and get his timing but you have to be flawless, fast and VERY CALM(my cousin once thrashed a system over this game....my system.)
Time and effort are what make a game challenging so its a good play for a day if your bored. If you haven't played Mike Tyson's punch out yet, get ready for an ass kicking cause its hard, fun and time consuming like you wouldn't believe. Till next time, play on, Gamers.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Greetings and welcome to my very first NES FLASHBACK.
I intend to take you back to the days when everyone wanted or owned a nintendo entertainment system.
Do you remember the first time you played super mario brothers? Or the first time you fired up silent service to take out enemy subs? Most everyone does.
Today I intend to open up a can on Astyanax.
Astyanax was a "castlevania clone" as me and my friends called it. It had a very harsh yet addictive theme going on. The translation was a little bit hard to understand. When you first come across your fairy helper(named cutie) she says simply "change bash or spell up down change up spell" . With the absence of any punctuation to aid you, your stuck wondering just what to do. the solution was to press up for a spell power refill and down for an upgraded weapon.
I remember sitting for hours playing that game. Every level I passed was like a gift from the gaming gods back then. "Ryugoku" I remember being the first hard level I came across. he trick to beating it for me was upgrading your "bash" to the highest level as soon as possible. then its pretty easy. Every thing dies in one or two hits with the best weapon, apart from bosses of course.
If you haven't played The Astyanax yet, it is a must for any nes fan( or old style castlevania lovers).
Rating ☆☆☆
For now I leave you with thoughts of your next gaming conquest.
Any recommendations or suggestions would be appreciated
I intend to take you back to the days when everyone wanted or owned a nintendo entertainment system.
Do you remember the first time you played super mario brothers? Or the first time you fired up silent service to take out enemy subs? Most everyone does.
Today I intend to open up a can on Astyanax.
Astyanax was a "castlevania clone" as me and my friends called it. It had a very harsh yet addictive theme going on. The translation was a little bit hard to understand. When you first come across your fairy helper(named cutie) she says simply "change bash or spell up down change up spell" . With the absence of any punctuation to aid you, your stuck wondering just what to do. the solution was to press up for a spell power refill and down for an upgraded weapon.
I remember sitting for hours playing that game. Every level I passed was like a gift from the gaming gods back then. "Ryugoku" I remember being the first hard level I came across. he trick to beating it for me was upgrading your "bash" to the highest level as soon as possible. then its pretty easy. Every thing dies in one or two hits with the best weapon, apart from bosses of course.
If you haven't played The Astyanax yet, it is a must for any nes fan( or old style castlevania lovers).
Rating ☆☆☆
For now I leave you with thoughts of your next gaming conquest.
Any recommendations or suggestions would be appreciated
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