Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays from Nes Flashback.

  Just been having some family time.  Let the games rest till after the new year.  Family and friends are very important.  Now here is some holiday nes fan art ^.^

Monday, December 12, 2011

Nes Flashback: from Russia with falling blocks.

  I cannot express the admiration I have for this game and its impossible, probability.
      I remember hours of fun fitting block after block into place as fast as as possible in preparation for the inevitable fast paced level that would inevitably destroy me unmercifully. But no matter how many times it kicked my ass, I never got tired or bored with it.
There is no substitute for this game.  i tried tetris 2 and hate dr mario. <--- These games do not even begin to compare to Tetris.  Gameplay available here:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Nes Flashback: Crystalis.

 In the far distant futuristic past of Oct 1,  1997..(just go with it)  the world has been ravaged by the 3rd world war(did you sleep through it).
   Zebu's apprentice gives you 100 bucks, with it and your wits alone you must go forth to the windmill and awaken the windmill guard.
 You cant just go straight to him there is some things you need first.  Equipment and a quest item.  If i go into to much detail. Id be posting a walkthrough and not a review.  It has a great story, nice graphics and the UI is pretty sweet to. Real time battle make this game fun and challenging.  Unlike some rpgs that have a rigid grid type of set up where everything is hitpoint and move based, but the monsters are so easy you end up tapping the controller more than you do in Gyruss!!... Don't get me wrong,  I enjoy those of type games, but they can be redundant after a while.  Crystalis wont feel that way(aside from maybe a lil bit when your level grinding but some grinding should be expected in any rpg)

  Crystalis. I put it up there with the RPG god game Zelda  Its that good.  I am still playing  it but even at 1/3 of the way through  I can tell its won I will really enjoy.  look it up next time your at your local <INSERT VIDEO GAME STORE NAME HERE> buy it.... YOU MUST HAVE TO HAVE IT ..or  maybe buy it if you want to.  but if you dont your missing out.

Lazy types can find game-play here:

                           Rating 5/5 ☆☆☆☆☆