Where to start. This game just bothers me in the worst way. As a sequel to the first Super Mario Bros, it fails. The game play is way different and the style is totally different. I think it was an attempt at a radical change to the game that didn't seem to hold as Mario Bros 3 seems to follow a more familiar gaming style to the original. Making it a far better sequel to the original, making Mario Bros 2 weird and awkward by comparison, making me wonder why so many people like it. Now I know you can fly in SMB3 and you can "float" in SMB2 but its not the same... and flying is far better.

Apart from its outward appearance and the characters Mario and Luigi. It bears little resemblance to the original SMB. It introduces 2 new player characters Toad and Peach, both with a seemingly "special" ability, with toad being fast, and peach floating BRIEFLY. Also they make Luigi so clumsy and impossible to use, constantly flailing his legs around as you jump from platform to platform.
This game has elements that both make no sense and drive me insane. Each character you pick plays radically different than the others so you have to pick one then get good with him, then you need to float so you gotta pick princess, then you need to be fast so get toad. Why so much difference in the players?!?! Why more players at all. They go right back to just Mario and Luigi in SMB3. And right back to the theme of Mario and Luigi playing the exact same way. It just doesn't make any sense, even in "nintendo" logic. In my mind the true sequel is SMB3
Thanks for checking in and look for Dragon Warrior II. review, coming as soon as I get over the hate/love I have for Dragon Warrior I